Thursday, June 5, 2008

Guess who likes Barry Manilow?

I never knew this until I read it the other day,
guess who is a Barry Manilow fan?

I happen to think it's pretty cool, I happen to be a Barry fan myself.

Dale Earnhardt Jr. is a Barry Manilow fan.

"Sure, I have a few of his tunes on my iPod," Earnhardt said. "I really like 'Weekend in New England.' I mean, the guy's a legend. Doesn't everybody listen to a few of Barry's songs every now and then."

(Taken from

10. You got anything that people might consider atypical on your portable music player?

Earnhardt: Surprises? Well, I've always tried to come across as down to earth with everything I've done -- but sometimes things surprise you, like you got a Barry Manilow song on your iPod, or something.

Well, I do. Weekend in New England is one of my favorites. He's awesome. I think a lot of people listen to him that wouldn't admit it.

You can blame my sister for that. When our mom lived up in Virginia we'd take some long rides up there and [Kelley] got me hooked.

The End

(Taken from

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