Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I talked to Jr and Josh on Unrestricted!!!

That was the single most awesome thing I have ever done in my entire life. Well, the next best thing would be to meet Jr, but that was so awesome!!!! Both of them were so personable, even over the phone!! If you listened in, I was the girl that asked Jr what his favorite paint scheme has been between the 8 and 88 cars. For those of you who didn't, I'll tell you what happened. First I already kinda knew that they might not pronouce my name right. That's cool, I'm used to it. Anyway, I told them about going to Pocono for the first time on Sunday and Jr asked me where my seats are so I told him I'm down right as they come out of Turn 3. I told them about my Dad going with me and that we're leaving at 6am which I'm not used to. Josh told me to drive safe and Jr told me to drink 3 amps and I'd be good to go. So then I told them that I listened to their show last week (they were talking about gas prices) and told them that I passed the gas station on my way to work and gas was down 20 cents. Josh said the gas companies just like their show and don't want them to know it. Lol. So then I got to ask my question, and that was "Out of all the paint schemes from the 8 and 88 cars, which is your favorite?" Jr had to think for a moment. So I said, "Yeah, I had to ask the difficult question." Then he answered and said that one of them was the Elvis car from last year and the Gray Ghost from this year." So then I told him my two favorites, which are the Elvis one and also the Retro Mountain Dew car. He said "Really? You like that one? You don't like the gray ghost?" I told him I like that one too, and that it's also a favorite. So they said thanks for calling and thanks for the question and that was it. Thanks Jr and Josh, I'll never forget tonight and maybe I'll call again some other time.

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